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Stress, anxiety, relief…why i started using CBD…

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CBD for stress…the calming effects of CBD CBD Studios founder, formerly a personal trainer I have always lead an active lifestyle. I am no stranger to the daily stresses that can impact our mental health and wellbeing. After trying CBD I found the results beyond beneficial by its calming effect, which made life easier when […]

What is CBD, simply explained

What is CBD, cbd studios

What is CBD? Simply put, CBD is one of the 104 cannabinoids (chemical compounds) found in the cannabis plant. It is extracted from industrial hemp plants and added to a carrier oil to be ingested orally, vaped or used externally on the body. Does CBD make you high? No, CBD itself does not give you […]

CBD and biking

CBD pour vélo, CBD studios

CBD and cycling Cycling has increased in popularity over the years as an environmentally friendly form of transport, as a hobby and a sporting activity. The increase in cycle paths for roads and off road bike tracks has made riding more accessible and great fun. Biking is a great form of exercise as it improves […]

How CBD benefits your skin

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CBD skin care CBD skin care: Alleviating ACNE, DRY SKIN AND AGEING WITH CBD PRODUCTS CBD is a Cannabinoid found in hemp. It is a natural compound that is known for healing properties. CBD can relieve inflammation and have anti oxidant benefits. This means it can be beneficial for dry skin, spots and aging (free […]

CBD for muscles and joints

Huile de CBD

CBD for muscles and joints If you work out or exercise regularly you accept that inflammation and pain can be the outcome of a hard session. One valuable way that CBD may help athletes is by relieving and minimizing inflammation post-workout. Studies show that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is involved in […]

CBD and sport

CBD balm, CBD Studios, CBD Chamonix

CBD for Sport Everywhere we look sources are proclaiming CBD to be a natural alternative to ibuprofen, an antidote to anxiety, a sleep aid, a post-workout recovery aid. I am going to talk more specifically about the use of CBD for sport and for athletes. Sports men and women put their bodies through a lot of […]

“Il y a quelque temps j’ai commencé a tester l’huile et balm CBD Studios pour ma récupération après mes entraînements.
Ca m’aide à me relaxe après une journée de travail et entraînement dur et surtout d’avoir un bon sommeil, je suis content avec les résultat et je recommande 100%.” Emmanuel Ocampo, Ultra runner

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