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CBD for sleep

CBD for sleep?…..

The most frequent questions you ask us are “Will it help me sleep?” or “will it help me sleep all night.” There is nothing worse than waking in the night and then struggling to get back to sleep or desperately counting sheep while trying to drop off.
We have made a CBD sleep set for you, which has been formulated for those who find sleep a challenge.

Difficulty in falling asleep, sleep apnea, recurrent insomnia, and night awakenings are common  challenges. Traditional medicated sleeping pills, although effective, often come with substantial side effects, prompting many consumers to seek more natural alternatives for sleep improvement. 

How can CBD help with sleep?

CBD stands out as a positive natural remedy, derived from hemp, where it serves as a key active ingredient. 

CBD helps promote sleep by calming stress, anxiety, and excessive brain activity. By targeting the underlying causes of sleep disorders.

CBD is believed to impact cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone. Cortisol plays a key role in the body’s response to stress, and elevated levels can contribute to anxiety and difficulty in falling asleep. Some research suggests that CBD may help regulate cortisol levels, reducing stress and promoting a more relaxed state conducive to sleep.

Additionally, CBD may influence serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter associated with mood and well-being, and it plays a role in regulating sleep. By modulating serotonin receptors, CBD may contribute to a sense of calmness and relaxation, promoting better sleep quality.

CBD seems to have a calming effect on the mind to facilitate a restful sleep.

What is the sleep kit?

Our SLEEP-KIT consists of a full spectrum 5% CBD oil aswell as a CBD tisane, both to relax your mind and body. The tisane made from high-end hemp, and contains full spectrum CBD from the trim of the whole CBD plant. Is blended with camomile and mint for a taste you will love. 

How does the CBD tisane work for sleep?

This tisane works by easing you into a deeper better sleep so you are less likely to wake up at unwanted times during the night. As you ingest the CBD into your digestive system it has to be metabolized before entering the blood stream. This process can take a few hours so you body will feel the relaxing effects of the CBD later in the night. This is good news for insomniacs and helps explain why you can have a deeper and longer sleep.

How does the CBD oil work for sleep?

If getting to sleep in the first place can be a problem for you, perhaps because of things on your mind, like excitement, worry or stress. The use of the CBD drops under your tongue where the absorption is quicker into your blood stream, means the effects are felt faster. If the effects are quicker, then including the drops as part of your bedtime routine will likely help you to drift off to sleep smoothly.

In conclusion, CBD seems to help calm down an anxious state of mind by balancing some of the hormones that may be working on overdrive to keep you awake.

These CBD products have been designed as perfect partners to help you have good nights sleep.

So if you are looking for something to overcome an overactive mind, relax or help you sleep, try our wonderful and natural CBD products in the SLEEP-KIT.

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